Meet Team Wishbone
Founder & Creative Director
India M G Loseby
India has a varied creative background which stems from the Theatre. She graduated in 2018 from the University of Winchester with Bachelors in Performing Arts with First Class Honours. With nearly two decades worth of credits in acting, directing and short film, India turned her attention towards the beauty industry. Due to the pandemic causing a grand halt to the Theatre industry, India took up streaming on Twitch to continue being creative and worked on numerous online charity events. There she discovered her passion for makeup. In 2021 she registered Wishbone Cosmetics and launched the commerce store in September 2022. As Creative Director, India creates the concepts for Wishbone Cosmetics and overseas all operations. She is determined and excited to be creating and adding new products to the Wishbone catalogue.
PR, Marketing and Partnership Manager
Reeva Ann Proctor
Reeva received their Honours Diploma in Digital Marketing with an Advanced Marketing Certification from the University of Toronto. In addition, they have worked and been a force in the music industry since 2011. She found her love for Horror Gaming during the Pandemic in 2021 where she used Twitch to leverage a community. This is where she met India, together they collaborated on charity events and projects together. Reeva is a skilled community manager who oversees the Wishbone community and affiliate programme. In addition they conduct Marketing campaigns and outreach across the globe.